Jejak abu dari letusan ini terdeteksi hingga sejauh 340 kilometer (210 mi) di Pulau Jawa. Aliran piroklastik ini menghancurkan pemukiman-pemukiman penduduk, termasuk Pamatan, yang kala itu menjadi ibu kota sebuah kerajaan di Lombok. Sebagian material piroklastik bahkan mencapai Pulau Sumbawa di seberang. Letusan ini menghasilkan kolom erupsi setinggi puluhan kilometer ke atmosfer serta aliran piroklastik yang mengubur hampir seluruh Pulau Lombok. Letusan ini diperkirakan mencapai skala 7 dalam Volcanic Explosivity Index, menjadikannya salah satu letusan gunung berapi terbesar pada masa Holosen. Gunung Samalas meletus pada tahun 1257 M di Lombok, Indonesia. itu artinya ada sesuatu yang gawat terjadi di bawah tanah.Lokasi kompleks kaldera gunung berapi Samalas di utara Lombok Seismograf pada dua hari sebelumnya, 23 dan 24 November 1930, menunjukkan bahwa ada banyak guratan - guratan besar dan banyak sekali garis-garis kecil” / “Ketika aku berada di hutan aku tahu kapan gunung tersebut akan meletus dengan hanya melihat pergerakan alam yang sekelebatan” / “Setelah tahun 2010, orang-orang mulai mendengarkan rintik hujan yang membangunkan mereka di malam hari, beberapa orang tak bisa membedakan apakah itu suara batu yang menggelinding dari atas atau hanyalah rerintik hujan (.) Dan saat itulah mereka mulai menyalakan handy talky mereka”/ “Suaranya seperti, weeee, weeee, weeee. “Pada tanggal 25 November Gunung Merapi meletus. "Explanations of a volcanic Eruption in Java", Judith Schlehe, 1996.Įva's project is generously supported by KUNCI cultural Studies Center, Centrum Beeldende Kunst Rotterdam (CBK) and the department of cultural affairs Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Jakarta.

Sources: interviews with different inhabitants of Mt Merapi (2015 – 2017), "The Bulletin of the Netherlands East Indian Volcanological survey 1930 and Reinterpretations of mystical Traditions". After the 2010 eruption the government said to the villagers it’s in the red zone, you need to relocate, so of course the people who used to live there sold their land and now some business man opened a castle for tourism, privatized.” But we came home one by one by one.” / “That place is actually a place of relocation. I was there for about two months, but I wasn't happy. “ / “In 1961 Mt Merapi erupted and we became transmigrants to Way Jepara, in Lampung. And that’s when they start turning on their handy talky.” / “If it’s like, weeee, weeee, weeee, … that means a lot of things are happening underground.” / “Because now there is a radio, we realize we can do it together, we can do it ourselves, also we provide news, because the regular media doesn’t always provide the correct information.”/ “In the evening of the 19th the largest “nuées ardentes” came down, causing the death of more than 1300 men.

“/ “After Merapi’s eruption in 1930 people were supposed to be resettled, but they refused to be”/ “When I am in the forest I know when the volcano is going to erupt before the people of the observatory by looking at the movement of nature” / “After 2010 people started listening to the rain that wakes them at night, some people can’t differentiate whether it’s the sound of the mountain the sound of the rocks coming down or if it’s just the sound of rain (…). The seismograms of the 23rd-24th of November showed many large tremors and a considerable number of micro ones. “On the 25th of November Mt Merapi erupted.